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Translate5 configuration

translate5 has a lot of administrative configuration options.

Right now they are only settable at database level in the tables Zf_configuration and Zf_acl_rules (translate5 development team would love to get support for the development of a web-based administration wizard).


People without programming knowledge should NOT change anything in Zf_configuration or Zf_acl_rules, since it is possible to completely mess up your translate5 installation, if you do not know what you do.

If you think configuring an application directly in the database is unhandy, feel free to support us in implementing a configuration GUI: contact us therefore!


Please only change these settings, if you really know, what you do.

To people with basic programming knowledge, the table Zf_configuration and its contents should be self-explaining, the column description holds a brief description of the configuration parameter.

Nearly all of the configuration options can be set in the preferences section of translate5, if you are logged in with admin rights:

Image Added

Alternatively it is recommended for system administrators to change translate5 config options on the command line - as explained here: ./ config
since server administration is mostly done on CLI too, and some rare config values are only changeable via command line:

Image Added

Some configuration explained in detail

Language resource configuration

The following language resources can be configured for use in translate5:

  • DeepL (as Plugin, only available for companies with a Support- and Development contract)
  • Google
  • Lucy
  • Moses default
  • MS Translator
  • SDL LanguageCloud
  • Globalese (not as part of Language Resources, but with a special integration)
  • For SDL GroupShare please ask MittagQI


To integrate a language resources, look for the following configuration names in Zf_configuration:search in the translate5 preferences panel for "languageresources" - see the first screenshot here. Or enter in the commandline:

Code Block
./ config languageresources

This will give you the configuration values for all existing language resource integrations and some general configuration parameters for language resources.

How to configure each value is explained on each configuration value.runtimeOptions.LanguageResources.opentm2.server

Help Page configuration

It is possible to show a help button in translate5. The button opens a pop up window with help content.


The HTML-files that are provided as help content are loaded by AJAX and displayed in Popup Window in translate5.

When the configuration URL loaderUrl for the help files (details see below) is empty, the help buttons are not shown at all.

General help page for translate5

The configuration parameter in Zf_configuration for this is:


This URL can e. g. be set to the value



How to configure the help button

For each tabular view in translate5 (task overview, user administration, clients, editor and language resource) the corresponding help page can be configured separately.

By default the window is automatically shown, if the help loaderUrl for the corresponding tabular view is not empty.

The loaderUrl for each tabular view can be defined in the following configurations:

  1. runtimeOptions.frontend.helpWindow.customeroverview.loaderUrl
  2. runtimeOptions.frontend.helpWindow.taskoverview.loaderUrl
  3. runtimeOptions.frontend.helpWindow.useroverview.loaderUrl
  4. runtimeOptions.frontend.helpWindow.editor.loaderUrl
  5. runtimeOptions.frontend.helpWindow.languageresource.loaderUrl

The default configuration in translate5 looks like the following:

Table viewconfiguration namevalue
Task overviewruntimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.taskoverview{"doNotShowAgain":false}
User administrationruntimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.useroverview{"doNotShowAgain":false}
Language resourcesruntimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.languageresource{"doNotShowAgain":false}

Define "automatic show"-behaviour of the help page with the "doNotShowAgain" config option

The value "doNotShowAgain" is by default set to false for all tabular views. This means:

  • as soon as a loaderUrl config for the tabular view is defined, the help page will automatically be shown once, as soon as the user enters the relevant section.
  • After each new login it will be again shown once.
  • For each help page the user can click a checkbox, that he for himself does not want to see this help page again automatically

If the value "doNotShowAgain" is set to "true" for a tabular view in Zf_configuration, the corresponding help page of that tabular view will never pop up automatically for any user.

loaderUrl configuration definition

For all tabular views no default loaderUrl config is defined. Thus no help button will be displayed.

If you want to display a help button for a tabular view, enter a value.

If you enter complete loaderUrl with protocol and domain like, this loaderUrl will be shown as content of your help page.

If you enter a relative value, this needs to start with /help/ and translate5 will look in the folder



for a phtml-file that is rendered.

However you should not place your custom phtml file in this folder, because it will be overwritten/deleted with the next update.

Instead use the feature to Implement a custom translate5 skin / look & feel and put your custom phtml help page in


the client-specific




where it will not be overwritten.

Help window configuration in editor

You can configure the help window and show content/documentation in 2 different tabs from 2 different sources.

  • Videos
    • defined with runtimeOptions.frontend.helpWindow.editor.loaderUrl 
    • default /help/{0} . The default will show the translate5 editor video from the translate5 youtube channel
    • the content is loaded from editor.phtml located in /application/modules/default/views/scripts/help/ overwritable with client specific functionality
    • is meant for displaying video content documentation
    • can be configured to to load the content from remote url. The remote content will be loaded into an iframe

  • PDF documentation
    • defined with runtimeOptions.frontend.helpWindow.editor.documentationUrl
    • default/help/editordocumentation/{0} . The default will show the written pdf docu for the transalte5 editor.
    • the content is loaded from editordocumentation.phtml located in /application/modules/default/views/scripts/help/ overwritable with client specific functionality
    • is meant for showing written documentation.
    • If you provide placeholder ( {0} ) in the url ex: http://translate5.local/editor?lang={0} , the language locale of the current user will be set when the url is called.
    • can be configured to to load the content from remote url. The remote content will be loaded into an iframe

Help page localization

The current locale of the authenticated user can also be passed to the loaderUrl via the optional placeholder "{1}". This fragment is replaced with the current users locale.

Also the whole loaderUrl can point to a completely different web page:



Pass section by parameter

You can also make translate5 to pass the current tabular view name in translate5 as parameter in the help page loaderUrl via the optional parameter "{0}". The passed value is the last part of the Zf_configuration name for that view (see above table).

So for example for the task overview in the above table you see, that the Zf_configuration name is "runtimeOptions.frontend.defaultState.helpWindow.taskoverview" and thus the passed value for the task overview would be "taskoverview".

Activate commenting of locked segments in Zf_acl_rules

This following content describes, how access control list (ACL) values can be changed on database level, which is not recommended!

People without programming knowledge should NOT change anything in Zf_acl_rules, since it is possible to completely mess up your translate5 installation, if you do not know what you do.

Different help pages for each main section in translate5

If the every section in translate5 should have its own help content, a placeholder {0} can be provided in the configured URL.

This placeholder is replaced by one of the following values, corresponding to the translate5 sections:

editor, languageresources, taskoverview, useroverview


runtimeOptions.helpUrl = "/help/{0}"

When pressing the help button in the taskoverview the following relative URL would be loaded:



Please only change these settings, if you really know, what you do.


INSERT INTO `Zf_acl_rules` (`module`, `role`, `resource`, `right`) VALUES ('editor', 'basic', 'frontend', 'editorCommentsForLockedSegments');
