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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Translation completed.

Table of Contents


Includes functions of the application up to version

Current translate5 version

Excerpt Include
Version and versioning
Version and versioning

Change History

Task overview

The task overview lists all the tasks currently visible to you. The various columns contain different information on the individual tasks. Depending on the configuration of the translate5 instance, some columns are hidden or even completely deactivated.

The following control options are available for the task overview:

  1. Refreshing the task list.
  2. Opening the advanced filter window.
  3. Exporting meta data.
  4. Viewing the analysis.
  5. Scrolling between the pages of the task list.
  6. Opening the translate5 changelog.

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Displaying columns

You can show/hide columns by moving the mouse cursor over the header of a column, clicking on “Columns” in the drop-down that appears, and then ticking or unticking the box next to the relevant column name.

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Sorting the task list

Many of the task list columns can be sorted in ascending or descending order according to a specific property of the respective column.

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Filtering the task list

Many of the task list columns can be filtered. For example, you can choose to only display those tasks whose job status is currently set to “open”.

You can also combine several filters.

If you want to remove one or all of the filters, you can do this in the “Active filters” line by clicking on the cross next to the respective filter.

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Column headings written in italics indicate a filter active in the respective column.

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Advanced filters

Using advanced filters, you can easily combine different filters and find out, for example:

  • which workflow steps are currently set to “open” for a specific user;
  • which tasks were finished within a certain period of time;
  • which tasks are delayed;
  • and much more.

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Columns in the task list


In this column, you can see the Globally Unique Identifier, i.e. the unique identifier of the respective task.


In this column, you can see the automatically assigned identification number of the respective task. The task ID is incremented automatically.


The “Actions” column contains the following three buttons:

Image AddedShows the task menu.

Image AddedOpens the task in the editor.

Image AddedSwitches to the project overview, with the project to which the task belongs highlighted and selected.

Status (task)

In this column, you can see the current status of the task:

  • open: The task is ready for processing, but it has not yet been started.
  • work in progress: The task is currently being processed.
  • ended: The task has been finished.
  • not approved: The task has not been approved yet and is therefore not yet editable. The confirmation must be carried out by a user who has the appropriate rights in the workflow.
  • import: The task files are currently imported and – if applicable – pre-translated.
  • error: There is a technical problem with the task.
My job status

If a task is assigned to several translators or reviewers, the status of the job for which you are responsible within the task is displayed here.

The different job statuses in translate5 are as follows:

  • open: The job is ready for processing or is already being processed. Jobs retain this status after the work on it has started, or after it has been confirmed and until it is finished.
  • waiting: The job waits for one or more predecessor jobs to be finished so that processing of the job in question can be started. However, a user who sees the job status “waiting” can already look at the job in read-only mode.
  • finished: The job has been finished but can still be viewed by the user.
  • not approved: The job has been associated in such a way that acceptance must be confirmed, but has not yet been confirmed by the requested user(s) and is therefore not yet editable. The confirmation must be carried out by a user who has the appropriate rights in the workflow.
  • for myself auto-close: The job has exceeded its deadline by a certain amount of time (can be predefined) and has therefore been finished automatically.
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Any user can open a task in read-only mode at any time, regardless of their role or workflow status. The project manager can always open all tasks in read-only mode.
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A project manager can manipulate any task whenever it is not being processed by another user.

My job deadlineIndicates (if specified) the deadline by which you have to complete your job within the task.
ClientName of the client of the task or project.
Current workflow stepSpecifies the workflow step, i.e. job, that the task has currently reached.
% finished

Shows the progress of the task as a percentage rate. The progress always refers to the current workflow step.

The calculation is based on the number of segments that the user has saved after editing in the current workflow step. So if a user only scrolls through the task, no progress is reported.

If a user wants to be able to see their own progress, they should also open the segments that they are only reading but not editing – as no editing is necessary – and then jump to the next unread segment with CTRL+ ENTER.

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Segments saved by the project manager are not counted in the progress, as they are not part of the workflow.

QA ErrorsNumber of quality assurance errors in the respective task.
Segment countTotal number of segments of the task.
NameName of the task (may differ from the project name).
Order no.The manually entered order number.
WordsTotal number of words in the task (gross, i.e. without weighting/deductions due to fuzzy matches or locked segments).
FilesThe number of source files belonging to the task.

Source languageImage Added

The language of the original document(s) to be translated.

Pivot languageImage Added

An additional language that can be used as a reference/relay if the reviewer is not familiar with the source language.

Target languageImage Added

The language into which the document(s) is/are to be translated.

Reference filesImage Added

This column is ticked if reference files have been provided.

TerminologyImage Added

This column is ticked if at least one TermCollection is integrated in the task.

UsersImage Added

Indicates how many users are involved in the task.

If you hover the mouse over this column, a small info symbol appears (Image Added), that shows more detailed information on each user/job.

Associated language resourcesImage Added

(Only visible for project managers)

The number of language resources associated with the task.

If you hover the mouse over this column, a small info symbol appears (Image Added), that displays the language resources list.

Project manager

Your contact person in project management.

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If “PM mail address in task overview” is activated in the system configuration, clicking on the project manager’s name opens an e-mail to the project manager in the user’s e-mail client.

Order dateShows the date on which the job was assigned.
Ended dateShows the date on which the project manager ended the task. (Not the date of completion of the various workflow steps).

Edit unchanged 100% TM matchesImage Added

This column is ticked if 100% matches from the TM can be edited.

Translation jobImage Added

This column is ticked if the current job is a translation, i.e. all target segments have been empty after import/pre-translation.

If this column is not ticked, this is a reviewing task, as all target segments have been filled during import.

Locked segments (SDLXLIFF files only)Image Added

This column is ticked if the imported file contains locked segments that have been locked in the Trados Studio tool. This is only relevant if SDLXLIFF is used as import format.

Task menu

The task menu can be opened by clicking on theImage Addedbutton in the “Actions” column and provides the following options. The options written in bold are those available to translators and reviewers, while project managers have additional options:

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Open task (read-only)

Opens the task in the editor in read-only mode so that no changes can be made.

Finish task

This menu item is used to finish a task, i.e. the current step for which you are responsible.

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This option is available to translators and reviewers.

End task completely

Closes the task completely. This means that all workflow steps for the task in question are definitely finished. This function is therefore used to deactivate a task so that it cannot be worked on any more, regardless of where the workflow currently stands and which role a user has. However, the task can also be reopened by the project manager using the “Reopen ended task” option that appears in the task menu after finalizing a task completely.

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Only project managers have the necessary rights to finalize a task completely.

Match analysis

Opens the match analysis window where the latest match analysis of the task can be viewed, prices can be adjusted, and the analysis can be exported as an Excel file or a Trados report-like XML file.

Clone task

Creates a copy of the task within the same project at status after the import, but without a selected workflow and consequently without any users assigned.

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Only project managers have the necessary rights to clone a task.


Offers the following export options for the selected task:

  • Original format, translated
  • XLIFF 2.1
  • Export editing history per workflow-step as Excel
  • Export QA statistics (XML) for field: source text
  • Export QA statistics (XML) for field: target text
  • External editing as Excel
  • Download import archive

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Only project managers have the necessary rights to export a task via this menu item.

Export translator package

Exports a ZIP file (if activated/applicable) containing:

  • the reference and visual files;
  • .tbx exports of the TermCollection(s) involved;
  • .tmx exports of the language resource(s) involved;
  • .xlf versions of the source file(s).

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Warning: Please do NOT use segment merge or splitting in another translation tool with the downloaded package. translate5 does not support segment merge/split and such segments will be ignored on re-import.

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The downloading and re-importing translator packages function can be deactivated in the configuration of your translate5 system if required.

Re-import translator package

This option is used to import a translation package that was previously exported from translate5, and then edited in another system, back into translate5. It is important that the translation package has the correct (sub)folder structure:

  • Image AddedProject name
    • Image Addedworkfiles
      • Image AddedBilingual_file.xlf

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The downloading and re-importing translator packages function can be deactivated in the configuration of your translate5 system if required.

Delete task completely

Choosing this option deletes a task completely. Only project managers have the necessary rights to do this.

Export meta data

Clicking on this button exports an Excel file with two spreadsheets containing the following information on the currently filtered task(s):

  • Tasks
  • Meta data:
    • information on the filter active in the task list
    • average processing time translator in days
    • average processing time reviewer in days
    • average processing time second reviewer in days
    • percentage of Excel export usage

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Only project managers have the necessary rights to export meta data.

Show KPIs

Clicking on this button displays the following meta data/KPI for the currently filtered task(s) in a separate window:

  • information on the filter active in the task list.
  • average processing time translator in days
  • average processing time reviewer in days
  • average processing time second reviewer in days
  • percentage of Excel export usage

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Only project managers have the necessary rights to display these KPIs.

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The information displayed here can be exported to an Excel file using the “Export meta data” function.

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