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Important Notes:


The default enabled for configuration of language resources is now split up into read default rights and write default rights, so that reading and writing is configurable separately. The write default right is not automatically set for existing language resources. The old API field "resourcesCustomersHidden" in language-resources to customers association will no longer be supported. It was marked as deprecated since April 2020. Please use only customerUseAsDefaultIds from now on.


This was no bug in translate5 - everything correct here - but a problem with Firefox on Windows for Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese, preventing the users to enter Asiatic characters. Translate5 users with Japanese, Korean or Vietnamese target language will get a warning message now, that they should switch to Chrome or Edge.


Added a filter in the segments grid to filter for repeated segments. For the already imported tasks some data must be recalculated, so the database migration could need some time. The corresponding database migration script can be restarted if it should stop unexpected.


Introducing a new Quality Assurance, for details see below change log entry. The REST API Endpoint for the download of quality statistics (MQM subsegment tags) was renamed from "editor/qmstatistics" to "editor/quality/downloadstatistics"


Introduced new processing state (AutoStatus) "pretranslated". This state is used for segments pre-translated in translate5, but also for imported segments which provide such information. For example SDLXLIFF: if edit100%percentMatch is disabled, used full TM matches not edited in Trados manually are not editable. So edited 100% matches are editable in translate5 by the reviewer now. Not changed has the behaviour for auto-propagated segments and segments with a match-rate < 100%: they are still editable as usual.


The TMX files imported into OpenTM2 are modified. The internal tags are modified (removing type attribute and convert tags with content to single placeholder tags) to improve matching when finding segments.


TRANSLATE-2417: OpenTM: writeable by default
The default enabled for configuration of language resources is now split up into read default rights and write default rights, so that reading and writing is configurable separately. The write default right is not automatically set for existing language resources. The old API field "resourcesCustomersHidden" in language-resources to customers association will no longer be supported. It was marked as deprecated since April 2020. Please use only customerUseAsDefaultIds from now on.


For an overview how to use the new feature, please see Editor / Quality assurance features Quality Assurance & Auto QA

For an overview of the new REST API, please see AutoQA Quality Assurance / QualitiesAuto QA

TRANSLATE-2077: Offer export of Trados-Style analysis xml
The match analysis report can be exported now in a widely usable XML format.


TRANSLATE-2494: Plugins enabled by default
Enables ModelFront, IpAuthentication and PangeaMt plugins to be active by default. Yet active in case of these plug-ins will only mean, that it will be possible to configure them in translate5's GUI system config. By default now data is entered there, so they will only be "really" active, if the sysadmin provides there some connection data (in case of ModelFront and PangeaMT) or IPs (in case of IpAuthentacation).

TRANSLATE-2481: Enable default deadline in configuration to be also decimal values (number of days in the future)
Default deadline date configuration accepts decimal number as configuration. You will be able to define 1 and a half day for the deadline when setting the config to 1.5

TRANSLATE-2473: Show language names in language drop downs in InstantTranslate
The languages drop-down in instant translate will now show the full language name + language code


TRANSLATE-2527: Remove instant-Translate default rest api routes
The default rest-routes in instant translate are removed.
