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Table of Contents

Use cases

(For information on how length restrictions are configured, please scroll down)


If you need different counts per segment within the same task, you need to define them directly in the xliff file before importing it into translate5. Ask translate5s development team, if you need conversion of other file formats to xliff that support segment-based length restriction definitions.

Pixcel-count based length restriction

Pixel-count based length restrictions for a segment or a line within a segment are useful for the translation of display texts, where a certain display text must not exceed a certain number of pixel. For example the letter "i" might only need 3px width, while the letter "M" might need 12px width. translate5 can count the used pixel, if it is fed with enough information (see below).

Character-count based length restriction

In some cases instead of counting pixel-length it is important to count the number of used characters in a segment or a line. translate5 supports this also.

Support of min-width and max-width

With translate5 you can set a min-width and/or a max-width for a segment.

Support for line-count and line-length

A display text can have multiple lines. translate5 supports to check, that a max number of lines is not exceeded and a max number of pixel or characters per line is not exceeded. Minimum count of characters or pixel is only supported so far, if no max line count is defined.

Usage and configuration

Usage overview

In short words

  1. Define relevant system configuration settings (if not already done)
  2. Define
    1. task-template.xml
    2. pixel-mapping.xlsx (only if pixel-length check)
    3. Optionally define relevant parameters in xliff 1.2
  3. Use ZIP import package and include task-template.xml and if needed pixel-mapping.xlsx

More in detail

For length restrictions to be used in any case a task-template has to be provided for a task and length restrictions have to be activated in it for the task.

For pixel-based length restrictions to work some default settings also have to be provided in the Zf_configuration database table (system configuration; see below). Also the pixel-width definitions have to be provided as an Excel file (pixel-mapping.xml ) that is fed alongside the task-template to the import zip for the task.


Regarding pixel-based length check:
Different font-sizes and fonts  for different segments of the same task can currently only be used with custom file filters written by translate5s developers. It would also be possible to implement the definition of differently used fonts and font-sizes on segment-level within an xliff file. Currently only one font-size and one font per task is possible without custom import file filters.

Definable parameters

Length check parameters definable in the task-template and overwriteable in xliff 1.2

  • size-unit
    • If character-length or pixel-length based length check
    • Possible values:
      • pixel
      • char
  • minLength
    • Minimum length in number of pixel / characters
    • Refers to the length of a complete trans-unit of an xliff file, even if it spans multiple segments.
    • This means for min-length set in a task template for let's say a word document, that the length restriction refers to a whole paragraph.
    • If maxNumberOfLines is set, minLength is not supported so far (ask translate5's development team, if you need it)
  • maxLength
    • Maximum length in number of pixel / characters
    • Refers to the length of a complete trans-unit of an xliff file, even if it spans multiple segments.
    • This means for maxLength set in a task template for let's say a word document, that the length restriction refers to a whole paragraph.
    • If maxNumberOfLines is set, maxLength refers to the length of each line, otherwise maxLength refers to the trans-unit.
      • With maxNumberOfLines set, trans-units must not span multiple segments!
  • translate5:maxNumberOfLines
    • How many lines a segment (not a trans-unit) should maximally have
    • If maxNumberOfLines is set,
      • maxLength refers to the length of each line, otherwise maxLength refers to the trans-unit
      • minLength is not supported so far (ask translate5's development team, if you need it)
      • Trans-units must not span multiple segments!
        If you need maxNumberOfLines to span multiple segments, contact translate5s development team

  • For pixel-based length check:
    • For each character for a certain font and a certain font-size the pixel-width
    • Font-size and used font of current task
      • Definitions in task-template.xml
      • Would be possible to overwrite them in xliff 1.2, yet this is not yet implemented (ask translate5s development team, if you need it)

Task template definitions

For length restrictions to be activated, a task template has to be used.


Please see Task Templates for how to use that and ZIP import package format for how to include the task-template.xml into the import zip package.

Special settings for pixel length restriction

For pixel-based length check to work pixel length of single characters has to be defined:

System configuration in Zf_configuration for pixel length restriction

For every font-size that might be used, default pixel width have to be defined in the Zf_configuration table.


Config nameTypeDefaultDescription


map{"8":"7", "9":"8", "10":"9", "11":"10", "12":"11", "13":"12", "14":"13", "15":"14", "16":"15", "17":"16", "18":"17", "19":"18", "20":"19"}

Default pixel-widths for font-sizes. First font-size and after the colon default pixel-width is listed. Example: {"12":"3", "13":"4", "14":"5"}

pixel-mapping.xlsx: Pixel-length definitions by character

The pixel-mapping.xlsx file has to be provided within the ZIP import package.

Please find an example for pixel-mapping.xlsx below.

Explanation of columns in pixel-mapping.xlsx

  • font: Contains the font-name as used in the task-template
  • fontSize: Contains the font-size as used in the task-template
  • unicodeChar: Contains the value unicode code point value for the character, for which you want to define a pixel width. An easy way to find the code point is to use the site and to enter the char you want to know the code point for in the left field.
  • pixelWidth: The pixel width you want to define for the listed character, with the listed font in the listed font-size
  • Character: This is just a reference column to be easily able to know, what the current row defines. It is not used during the length check.

Example pixel-mapping.xlsx file
View file

Definitions in xliff 1.2

(overwrite corresponding definitions in task template)

Please see "Definable parameters" for explanation.

