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Task database fieldrequired acl-rightdescription
targetDeliveryDateeditorEditTaskDeliveryDateChange the task delivery date

Enable and disable the editing of the target columns with 100 % match
rate and also calculate the segment editable flag and segments autostateId. segments 'processing status'.
The segment editable flag will be calculate the same way as it is calculate
when a new task is imported.
If the segment is editable is calculated by the following formula:

$isEditable = ($edit100PercentMatch || $segment->meta()->getAutopropagated()) && !$isLocked;

Is locked is calculated by the following formula:
$isLocked = $segment->meta()->getLocked() && (bool) $task->getLockLocked();

With other words: the segment is editable when the edit 100% match is set to true or the segments autopropagated propertie(the value for this field
is defined in the xliff import file) is set to true AND the segment is not locked.
The segment is locked when the segments locked field(the value for this field is also defined in the xliff import file) is set to true and the task is locked.

How the processing status is calculated when edit 100% match edit is enabled or disabled.
The processing status  The autostateId is loaded from the segments segment history table when segment history for the changed segment existthe 100% match edit is enabled/disabled.

1. When there is a processing status record in the segments history table, and the processing status is not blocked, this processing status will be used.

2. When there is no segmenthistory for the segment or if the latest autostateId in the segment history processing status record in the segments history table (this is the case when the segment is not modified after the import)
, or if there is a record in the segments history table for the processing status, but the processing status is blocked, then the autostateId processing status
is calculated the same way as it is done calculated when a the task is imported:
      - If the segment is editable and translated the processing status will be translated.
        (the segment is translated when one of the segments target contains a value)
      - If the segment is editable but not translated, the processing status will be not translated.
      - If the segment is not editable the processing status will be blocked.

orderdateeditorEditTaskOrderDateChange the task order date field.
realDeliveryDateeditorEditTaskRealDeliveryDateChange the task real delivery date.
taskPmeditorEditTaskPmChange the task project manager.
taskNameeditorEditTaskTaskNameChange the task name.
