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Edit preset

RequestPUT /editor/plugins_matchanalysis_pricingpreset

presetId Required. ID of preset to be edited

name Optional. Name for the clone, it should be unique across the all presets, should be either not mentioned empty or not emptymentioned among the params

unitType=(word|character) Optional. Type of units that the preset should be based on, i.e. word-based or character-based

description Optional. Short description for the preset up to 255 characters long

priceAdjustment Optional. Decimal value with up to 2 digits after floating point to be appended to final price

isDefault=(0|1) Optional. Set this preset to be the default one for it's customer, if it's a customer-specific preset, or the generally default

Code Block
    "success": true,
    "updated": {
        "id": "5",
        "customerId": null,
        "name": "Some preset",
        "unitType": "word",
        "description": "asd",
        "priceAdjustment": "0.00",
        "isDefault": "0"
