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Checkbox "Do not show login page: Automatically redirect to OpenID Connect server": Redirect directly to the SSO authentication provider.

How SSO authenticated user is matched in translate5


Creation of a user through OpenId Connect / Matching with an existing user

If a user authenticates, the following steps are done: 

  1. Translate5 tries to find an existing translate5 user by issuing authority and openid identity/subject of the user


  1. claims. If for those values, there is an existing user in transalte5, this translate5 user will be used and updated with potential new rights and user attributes (like name, e-mail, etc.)


  1. If in the above case there is no matching user found in transalte5,


  1. translate5 tries to find a valid e-mail address in the information, the OpenId Connect IPD provides about the connecting user:
    1. First it looks in the email field requested of the


    1. userinfo_endpoint (if configured)


    1. If not found


    1. there, translate5 tries to find it in the 'upn' claim


    1. .
    2. If not found there, translate5 tries to find it in the


    1. preferred_username claim


    1. If it is not found there, translate5 will throw an exception


  1. If a user exists, that has the e-mail address as login name as the one coming from OpenId Connect IDP, but with different OpenId specific issues and sub values, we will create new user with "OID-" as login prefix but with same email address.
  2. If a user exists, that has the e-mail address as login name as the one coming from OpenId Connect IDP, but with no  OpenId specific issues and sub values (so a manually created one), translate5 updates this user with the info coming from the OpenId Connect IDP.