Page tree

Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Single Terms can be accessed via API.

Code Block
    "locale": "en",
    "role": {
        "admin": true,
        "api": true,
        "editor": true,
        "pm": true,
        "termCustomerSearch": true,
        "termProposer": true,
        "termFinalizer": true,
        "termPM": true,
        "termPM_allClients": true,
        "termReviewer": true,
        "basic": true,
        "noRights": true
    "permission": {
        "termportal": true,
        "itranslate": false
    "activeItem": "termportal",
    "l10n": {
        "termportal": "TermPortal",
        "itranslate": "InstantTranslate",
        "logout": "Logout",
        "localeStore": [
                "locale": "en",
                "name": "English"
                "locale": "de",
                "name": "German"
        "set": "Set filter",
        "clear": "Clear filter",
        "requiredMsg": "This field is required",
        "found": "Search results",
        "termPlaceholder": "Type the term here, even using wildcard e.g. \"myterm*\"",
        "filters": "Filters",
        "client": "Client",
        "noCollections": "There are no TermCollections assigned to you.",
        "activeFilters": {
            "clientIds": "Clients",
            "collectionIds": "Term Collections",
            "noTermDefinedFor": "No term defined for language",
            "disabledDueToRefMode": "Filters are disabled while you're in ref-mode",
            "tbxCreatedBy": "Created by",
            "tbxUpdatedBy": "Updated by",
            "tbxCreatedGt": "Created since",
            "tbxCreatedLt": "Created until",
            "tbxCreatedAt": "Created at",
            "tbxUpdatedGt": "Updated since",
            "tbxUpdatedLt": "Updated until",
            "tbxUpdatedAt": "Updated at"
        "processStatuses": {
            "unprocessed": "Unprocessed",
            "provisionallyProcessed": "Provisionally processed",
            "finalized": "Finalized",
            "rejected": "Rejected"
        "statuses": {
            "preferredTerm": "Preferred",
            "admittedTerm": "Admitted",
            "deprecatedTerm": "Forbidden",
            "supersededTerm": "Forbidden"
        "collections": "Term collections",
        "collection": "Term collection",
        "attributes": "Select an attribute",
        "noTermDefinedFor": "No term defined for language (\"en\" does NOT find \"en-US\")",
        "siblings": {
            "title": "Terms of entry of selected result",
            "langToShow": "Languages to show",
            "itranslate": {
                "label": "InstantTranslate into",
                "placeholder": "select language"
        "xref": {
            "xGraphic": {
                "title": "External images",
                "info": "Allows you to link to an external image, for example, on a website."
            "externalCrossReference": {
                "title": "External references",
                "info": "Allows you to reference an external source, e. g. such as a website."
            "value": {
                "renderer": "Double-click to specify name",
                "placeholder": "Specify name"
            "target": {
                "renderer": "Double-click to specify url",
                "placeholder": "Specify Url"
        "ref": {
            "title": "Cross references",
            "entry": "Referenced entries",
            "language": "Referenced entries",
            "term": "Referenced terms",
            "target": "Double-click to specify TBX ID",
            "info": {
                "entry": "Refers to another term entry. Please insert the TBX ID of the other entry.",
                "term": "Refers to another term. Please insert the TBX ID of the other term."
        "term": "Terms",
        "termTbx": "Term",
        "entry": "Entry",
        "images": "Images",
        "image": "Image",
        "attrs": "Attributes",
        "attrAddComment": "Add comment",
        "actions": "Actions",
        "entryAttrs": "Entry attributes",
        "languageAttrs": "Language-level attributes",
        "termAttrs": "Term attributes",
        "termportalLangs": "TermPortal languages",
        "allOtherAvailableLangs": "All other languages available",
        "addedFromMT": "Added from MT",
        "propose": {
            "button": {
                "text": "Propose a new term entry",
                "text404": "Propose a new entry using searched word"
            "please": {
                "collection": "Please select term collection",
                "language": "Please select language"
            "termfield": {
                "placeholder": "Propose a new term",
                "errorMsg": "Term must contain at least one character that is not a whitespace",
                "label": "On saving the term proposal also a proposal for the source language term will be saved"
            "notefield": {
                "placeholder": "Provide a comment",
                "errorMsg": "This field is required"
            "multisource": "Please select one of the source terms below. They belong to different term entries. After selection you are able to add your new term translation to translate5 termPortal."
        "attrWarn": {
            "entry": "Entry level attribute - changes will take place for all terms of this entry",
            "language": "Language level attribute - changes will take place for all [flag]-terms",
            "valueOverflow": "Value of this field if not fully visible due to field width"
        "attrLabel": {
            "original": "Original label: ",
            "empty": "none"
        "attrAlreadyAll": "All available attributes are already in use.",
        "attrDeleteOnStatusChange": "The values of {0} depend on the attribute {1}, whose values have just been changed.\n\n The new value of {1} does not correspond to any value of {0}.\n\n Therefore, the attribute {0} has been deleted.",
        "addTermProposal": "Propose a new Term",
        "batch": "Batch edit",
        "transfer": {
            "btn": {
                "text": "Start translation",
                "tooltip": {
                    "disabled": "Select exactly 1 client in filter window to make transfer possible",
                    "enabled": "Creates a translation project for selected terms"
            "title": "Create translation project for terms",
            "projectName": "Project name",
            "targetLang": "Target languages",
            "translated": "Send already translated terms to translation also?",
            "definition": "Translate definitions",
            "create": "Create project",
            "creating": "Your project '{0}' is being created",
            "created": "Your project '{0}' was successfully created"
        "termDelete": "Do you really want to delete the term \"{0}\"?",
        "attrDelete": "Do you really want to delete the attribute \"{0}\"?",
        "save": "Save",
        "cancel": "Cancel",
        "delete": "Delete",
        "status": "Usage status",
        "processStatus": "Process status"
    "filterWindow": {
        "collections": [
                "id": "1",
                "title": "My Term Collection 1",
                "clients": "1"
                "id": "2",
                "title": "My Term Collection 2",
                "clients": "1,2"
        "clients": [
                "id": "1",
                "title": "My Customer 1"
                "id": "2",
                "title": "My Customer 2"
        "attributes": {
            "1": {
                "id": "1",
                "title": "Some plaintext attribute",
                "system": "Some plaintext attribute",
                "alias": "attr-1",
                "dataType": "plainText",
                "picklistValues": null,
                "level": "entry,language,term",
                "isTbxBasic": 0,
                "type": "somePlainTextAttr",
                "collections": null
            "2": {
                "id": "2",
                "title": "Some picklist attribute with custom title",
                "system": "Some picklist attribute",
                "alias": "attr-2",
                "dataType": "picklist",
                "picklistValues": "noun,verb,adjective,adverb,properNoun,other",
                "level": "term",
                "isTbxBasic": 1,
                "type": "somePickListAttr",
                "collections": "1,2"
        "processStatuses": [
                "title": "Unprocessed",
                "alias": "unprocessed"
                "title": "Provisionally processed",
                "alias": "provisionallyProcessed"
                "title": "Finalized",
                "alias": "finalized"
                "title": "Rejected",
                "alias": "rejected"
        "tbxCreatedBy": [
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Person 1 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as creator"
                "id": "2",
                "name": "Person 2 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as creator"
        "tbxUpdatedBy": [
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Person 1 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as updater"
                "id": "3",
                "name": "Person 3 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as updater"
    "filterPanel": {
        "activeFilters": [
                "title": "Clients",
                "alias": "clientIds"
                "title": "Term Collections",
                "alias": "collectionIds"
                "title": "No term defined for language",
                "alias": "noTermDefinedFor"
                "title": "Process status",
                "alias": "processStatus"
                "title": "TBX-Entry-ID",
                "alias": "termEntryTbxId"
                "title": "TBX-Term-ID",
                "alias": "termTbxId"
                "title": "Created by",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedBy"
                "title": "Updated by",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedBy"
                "title": "Created until",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedLt"
                "title": "Created since",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedGt"
                "title": "Created at",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedAt"
                "title": "Updated until",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedLt"
                "title": "Updated since",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedGt"
                "title": "Updated at",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedAt"
    "lang": [
            "id": "251",
            "value": "en-GB",
            "text": "English (UK) (en-GB)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "id": "252",
            "value": "en-US",
            "text": "English (US) (en-US)",
            "flag": "us"
            "id": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
            "value": "en",
            "text": "English (en)",
            "flag": "gb"
    "langInclSubs": [
            "id": "344",
            "value": "ar-SA",
            "text": "Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (ar-SA)",
            "flag": "sa"
            "id": "331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347",
            "value": "ar",
            "text": "Arabic (ar)",
            "flag": "sa"
    "flag": {
        "de": "de",
        "en": "gb",
        "es": "es",
        "en-gb": "gb",
        "en-us": "us",
        "fr": "fr",
        "ha": "",
    "langAll": [
            "_disabled": true,
            "value": "tp",
            "text": "TermPortal languages"
            "id": "251",
            "value": "en-GB",
            "text": "English (UK) (en-GB)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "id": "252",
            "value": "en-US",
            "text": "English (US) (en-US)",
            "flag": "us"
            "id": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
            "value": "en",
            "text": "English (en)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "_disabled": true,
            "value": "all",
            "text": "All other languages available"
            "id": "496",
            "value": "zh-HK",
            "text": "Chinese (Hong Kong) (zh-HK)",
            "flag": "hk"
            "id": "371",
            "value": "en-IE",
            "text": "English (Ireland) (en-IE)",
            "flag": "ie"
    "language": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
    "cfg": {
        "commentAttributeMandatory": false,
        "newTermAllLanguagesAvailable": false,
        "liveSearchMinChars": "4",
        "itranslate": {
            "showSubLanguages": false
    "itranslateQuery": "",
    "right": {
        "delete": {
            "attribute": true

Wiki Markup
    "locale": "en",
    "role": {
        "admin": true,
        "api": true,
        "editor": true,
        "pm": true,
        "termCustomerSearch": true,
        "termProposer": true,
        "termFinalizer": true,
        "termPM": true,
        "termPM_allClients": true,
        "termReviewer": true,
        "basic": true,
        "noRights": true
    "permission": {
        "termportal": true,
        "itranslate": false
    "activeItem": "termportal",
    "l10n": {
        "termportal": "TermPortal",
        "itranslate": "InstantTranslate",
        "logout": "Logout",
        "localeStore": [
                "locale": "en",
                "name": "English"
                "locale": "de",
                "name": "German"
        "set": "Set filter",
        "clear": "Clear filter",
        "requiredMsg": "This field is required",
        "found": "Search results",
        "termPlaceholder": "Type the term here, even using wildcard e.g. \"myterm*\"",
        "filters": "Filters",
        "client": "Client",
        "noCollections": "There are no TermCollections assigned to you.",
        "activeFilters": {
            "clientIds": "Clients",
            "collectionIds": "Term Collections",
            "noTermDefinedFor": "No term defined for language",
            "disabledDueToRefMode": "Filters are disabled while you're in ref-mode",
            "tbxCreatedBy": "Created by",
            "tbxUpdatedBy": "Updated by",
            "tbxCreatedGt": "Created since",
            "tbxCreatedLt": "Created until",
            "tbxCreatedAt": "Created at",
            "tbxUpdatedGt": "Updated since",
            "tbxUpdatedLt": "Updated until",
            "tbxUpdatedAt": "Updated at"
        "processStatuses": {
            "unprocessed": "Unprocessed",
            "provisionallyProcessed": "Provisionally processed",
            "finalized": "Finalized",
            "rejected": "Rejected"
        "statuses": {
            "preferredTerm": "Preferred",
            "admittedTerm": "Admitted",
            "deprecatedTerm": "Forbidden",
            "supersededTerm": "Forbidden"
        "collections": "Term collections",
        "collection": "Term collection",
        "attributes": "Select an attribute",
        "noTermDefinedFor": "No term defined for language (\"en\" does NOT find \"en-US\")",
        "siblings": {
            "title": "Terms of entry of selected result",
            "langToShow": "Languages to show",
            "itranslate": {
                "label": "InstantTranslate into",
                "placeholder": "select language"
        "xref": {
            "xGraphic": {
                "title": "External images",
                "info": "Allows you to link to an external image, for example, on a website."
            "externalCrossReference": {
                "title": "External references",
                "info": "Allows you to reference an external source, e. g. such as a website."
            "value": {
                "renderer": "Double-click to specify name",
                "placeholder": "Specify name"
            "target": {
                "renderer": "Double-click to specify url",
                "placeholder": "Specify Url"
        "ref": {
            "title": "Cross references",
            "entry": "Referenced entries",
            "language": "Referenced entries",
            "term": "Referenced terms",
            "target": "Double-click to specify TBX ID",
            "info": {
                "entry": "Refers to another term entry. Please insert the TBX ID of the other entry.",
                "term": "Refers to another term. Please insert the TBX ID of the other term."
        "term": "Terms",
        "termTbx": "Term",
        "entry": "Entry",
        "images": "Images",
        "image": "Image",
        "attrs": "Attributes",
        "attrAddComment": "Add comment",
        "actions": "Actions",
        "entryAttrs": "Entry attributes",
        "languageAttrs": "Language-level attributes",
        "termAttrs": "Term attributes",
        "termportalLangs": "TermPortal languages",
        "allOtherAvailableLangs": "All other languages available",
        "addedFromMT": "Added from MT",
        "propose": {
            "button": {
                "text": "Propose a new term entry",
                "text404": "Propose a new entry using searched word"
            "please": {
                "collection": "Please select term collection",
                "language": "Please select language"
            "termfield": {
                "placeholder": "Propose a new term",
                "errorMsg": "Term must contain at least one character that is not a whitespace",
                "label": "On saving the term proposal also a proposal for the source language term will be saved"
            "notefield": {
                "placeholder": "Provide a comment",
                "errorMsg": "This field is required"
            "multisource": "Please select one of the source terms below. They belong to different term entries. After selection you are able to add your new term translation to translate5 termPortal."
        "attrWarn": {
            "entry": "Entry level attribute - changes will take place for all terms of this entry",
            "language": "Language level attribute - changes will take place for all [flag]-terms",
            "valueOverflow": "Value of this field if not fully visible due to field width"
        "attrLabel": {
            "original": "Original label: ",
            "empty": "none"
        "attrAlreadyAll": "All available attributes are already in use.",
        "attrDeleteOnStatusChange": "The values of {0} depend on the attribute {1}, whose values have just been changed.\n\n The new value of {1} does not correspond to any value of {0}.\n\n Therefore, the attribute {0} has been deleted.",
        "addTermProposal": "Propose a new Term",
        "batch": "Batch edit",
        "transfer": {
            "btn": {
                "text": "Start translation",
                "tooltip": {
                    "disabled": "Select exactly 1 client in filter window to make transfer possible",
                    "enabled": "Creates a translation project for selected terms"
            "title": "Create translation project for terms",
            "projectName": "Project name",
            "targetLang": "Target languages",
            "translated": "Send already translated terms to translation also?",
            "definition": "Translate definitions",
            "create": "Create project",
            "creating": "Your project '{0}' is being created",
            "created": "Your project '{0}' was successfully created"
        "termDelete": "Do you really want to delete the term \"{0}\"?",
        "attrDelete": "Do you really want to delete the attribute \"{0}\"?",
        "save": "Save",
        "cancel": "Cancel",
        "delete": "Delete",
        "status": "Usage status",
        "processStatus": "Process status"
    "filterWindow": {
        "collections": [
                "id": "1",
                "title": "My Term Collection 1",
                "clients": "1"
                "id": "2",
                "title": "My Term Collection 2",
                "clients": "1,2"
        "clients": [
                "id": "1",
                "title": "My Customer 1"
                "id": "2",
                "title": "My Customer 2"
        "attributes": {
            "1": {
                "id": "1",
                "title": "Some plaintext attribute",
                "system": "Some plaintext attribute",
                "alias": "attr-1",
                "dataType": "plainText",
                "picklistValues": null,
                "level": "entry,language,term",
                "isTbxBasic": 0,
                "type": "somePlainTextAttr",
                "collections": null
            "2": {
                "id": "2",
                "title": "Some picklist attribute with custom title",
                "system": "Some picklist attribute",
                "alias": "attr-2",
                "dataType": "picklist",
                "picklistValues": "noun,verb,adjective,adverb,properNoun,other",
                "level": "term",
                "isTbxBasic": 1,
                "type": "somePickListAttr",
                "collections": "1,2"
        "processStatuses": [
                "title": "Unprocessed",
                "alias": "unprocessed"
                "title": "Provisionally processed",
                "alias": "provisionallyProcessed"
                "title": "Finalized",
                "alias": "finalized"
                "title": "Rejected",
                "alias": "rejected"
        "tbxCreatedBy": [
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Person 1 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as creator"
                "id": "2",
                "name": "Person 2 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as creator"
        "tbxUpdatedBy": [
                "id": "1",
                "name": "Person 1 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as updater"
                "id": "3",
                "name": "Person 3 specified in tbx <transacgrp>-node as updater"
    "filterPanel": {
        "activeFilters": [
                "title": "Clients",
                "alias": "clientIds"
                "title": "Term Collections",
                "alias": "collectionIds"
                "title": "No term defined for language",
                "alias": "noTermDefinedFor"
                "title": "Process status",
                "alias": "processStatus"
                "title": "TBX-Entry-ID",
                "alias": "termEntryTbxId"
                "title": "TBX-Term-ID",
                "alias": "termTbxId"
                "title": "Created by",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedBy"
                "title": "Updated by",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedBy"
                "title": "Created until",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedLt"
                "title": "Created since",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedGt"
                "title": "Created at",
                "alias": "tbxCreatedAt"
                "title": "Updated until",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedLt"
                "title": "Updated since",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedGt"
                "title": "Updated at",
                "alias": "tbxUpdatedAt"
    "lang": [
            "id": "251",
            "value": "en-GB",
            "text": "English (UK) (en-GB)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "id": "252",
            "value": "en-US",
            "text": "English (US) (en-US)",
            "flag": "us"
            "id": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
            "value": "en",
            "text": "English (en)",
            "flag": "gb"
    "langInclSubs": [
            "id": "344",
            "value": "ar-SA",
            "text": "Arabic (Saudi Arabia) (ar-SA)",
            "flag": "sa"
            "id": "331,332,333,334,335,336,337,338,339,340,341,342,343,344,345,346,347",
            "value": "ar",
            "text": "Arabic (ar)",
            "flag": "sa"
    "flag": {
        "de": "de",
        "en": "gb",
        "es": "es",
        "en-gb": "gb",
        "en-us": "us",
        "fr": "fr",
        "ha": "",
    "langAll": [
            "_disabled": true,
            "value": "tp",
            "text": "TermPortal languages"
            "id": "251",
            "value": "en-GB",
            "text": "English (UK) (en-GB)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "id": "252",
            "value": "en-US",
            "text": "English (US) (en-US)",
            "flag": "us"
            "id": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
            "value": "en",
            "text": "English (en)",
            "flag": "gb"
            "_disabled": true,
            "value": "all",
            "text": "All other languages available"
            "id": "496",
            "value": "zh-HK",
            "text": "Chinese (Hong Kong) (zh-HK)",
            "flag": "hk"
            "id": "371",
            "value": "en-IE",
            "text": "English (Ireland) (en-IE)",
            "flag": "ie"
    "language": "5,251,252,367,368,369,370,371,372,373,374,375,376,377",
    "cfg": {
        "commentAttributeMandatory": false,
        "newTermAllLanguagesAvailable": false,
        "liveSearchMinChars": "4",
        "itranslate": {
            "showSubLanguages": false
    "itranslateQuery": "",
    "right": {
        "delete": {
            "attribute": true

Provides access to the Term collections available in the application.
