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Due historical reasons coming from the used frontend framework, POST requests containing file uploads are different as the above shown POSTs without files.

More information about the task API.

A POST with fileupload contains the entities attrbutes attributes not as JSON, but as plain form fields. This a known caveat.


Please change also the XLF file path to the file which should be uploaded.

Code Block
titleCurl Example
curl 'httpshttp://www.translate5.netlocaldev/editor/task/TASKID' -X PUTPOST  \
  -H 'Cookie: zfExtended=HERE_WILL_BE_YOUR_SESSION_ID_THEN' \ 
  -F "format=jsontext" \
 -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
     --data-urlencode 'data={"taskName":"New Task Name","entityVersion":123}'F "taskName=This is a import test" \
  -F "sourceLang=de" \
  -F "targetLang=it" \
  -F "edit100PercentMatch=1" \
  -F "lockLocked=1" \
  -F "importUpload=@/PATH/TO/YOUR/FILE.xlf"

On success this results in a JSON containing the importing task.