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Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Prefixed with "E" so that a search for the error code through the code is more reliable than just searching for a number
  • No structure in the numbering to prevent discussions is it an error E12XX or E45XX
  • Do not start at 1 and don't use leading zeros.
  • Each usage of an error in the code should get separate code. Even if the error message / reason is the same. Reason is that the help desk might need to do different things in different cases.
    • Information about the error here in the list should not be copied, but errors can point to another errors: "E 4321: See E 1234". Thats work to maintain, but better as confusing the client by giving wrong hints.
    • if it makes sense for the support / help desk to split up an error in different errorcodes because of different reasons, than this should be done in the code so far
  • Never forget the purpose of event codes: make life easier for support / help desk.

Table of Contents

titleConvienient way to get highest ErrorCode

Just call the following command to get the currently highest value of E1XXX codes here in the doc. E1XXX only, because the E4321 is used as example below.
php -r '$text = file_get_contents(""); preg_match_all("/(E1[0-9]{3})/", $text, $codes); print_r(max(array_unique($codes[0])));echo "\n";'

or to get a whole list sorted from lowest to highest:
php -r '$text = file_get_contents(""); preg_match_all("/(E[0-9]{4})/", $text, $codes); $codes = array_unique($codes[0]); sort($codes); print_r($codes);echo "\n";'

In the future each error or event in translate5 should have an own event code to improve support / make live for help desk easier.

List of Error- and EventCodes



An entity can not be added or updated since a referenced entity does not exist (anymore).

Or an entity can not be updated or deleted since it is referenced by other entities.


The File Upload did not succeed PUT / POST request to that URL could not be processed due invalid given data.

The invalid fields are listed in the result from the server.


The PUT / POST request to that URL could not be processed due the given data would produce an invalid state of the entity on the server.

If possible, the causing fields are listed in the result from the server, or the error message is self explaining.


Check the server URL configuration values.

Either runtimeOptions.worker.server or runtimeOptions.server.protocol and are pointing to a wrong server / translate5 installation!

This can also happen, if the server name is resolving to multiple IPs on the server it self (multiple entries in the /etc/hosts for example).


A transaction was repeated X times after a deadlock and it is still producing a deadlock.
The original dead lock exception is contained in this exception.


Request time out in {method}ing URL {url}




Please set runtimeOptions.hashAuthentication in the configuration to one of the following values:

disabled: the feature is disabled and produces this error.
dynamic: use a dynamic auth hash.
static: use a static auth hash.

See Single Click Authentication.


The configured customer in  runtimeOptions.authentication.ipbased.IpCustomerMap 

configuration does not exist. Default customer will be used instead.




The config can not be modified because the user has not have rights to do so,


Task Configuration


User Configuration




The given data for the categories is wrong; check this first.

Users & Customers


The user can not be deleted, he is PM in one or more tasks.


User can not be saved: the chosen login does already exist.


Task & Workflow


Multi Purpose Code logging in the context of jobs (task user association)
Also important in Context of workflow.


Multi Purpose Code logging in the context of workflow processing


Temporary warning for the task targetDeliveryDate (delivery date) api field. Deadline date should be defined on user- task-assoc level.


Workflow to class "{className}" not found!




Projects are not editable.


For task with task-type project the task put action is not allowed.

Jobs (Association between Tasks and Users)


The job can not be removed, since the task is locked by the user.


Therefore this job can not be deleted.


Your job was removed, therefore you are not allowed to access that task anymore.




Enable comment import (see SDLXLIFF), or omit that file, or remove SDL comments for a successful import.


The opening tag "{tagName}" contains the tagId "{tagId}" which is not SDLXLIFF conform!


There are change-markers in the sdlxliff-file "{filename}", but the import of change-markers is disabled.


Enable change-markers import (see SDLXLIFF), or omit that file, or remove change-markers for a successful import.


Locked-tag-content was requested but tag does not contain a xid attribute.


<sdl:seg-defs was not found in the current transunit: "{transunit}"


Loading the tag information from the SDLXLIFF header has failed!


The tag "{tagname}" is not defined in the "_tagDefMapping" list.


The tag ID "{tagId}" contains a dash "-" which is not allowed!


The source and target segment count does not match in transunit: "{transunit}".


The tag "{tagname}" was used in the segment but is not defined in the "_tagDefMapping" list!


The file "{file}" contains "{tag}" tags, which are currently not supported! Stop Import.


Contact the support to implement the import of the new tags.


A trans-unit of file "{file}" contains MRK tags other than type=seg, which are currently not supported! Stop Import.


The XML of the DisplayText XML file "{fileName} (id {fileId})" is invalid!


Errors in processing relais files: The following MIDs are present in the relais file "{fileName}" but could not be found in the source file, the relais segment(s) was/were ignored. MIDs: {midList}


Errors in processing relais files: Source-content of relais file "{fileName}" is not identical with source of translated file. Relais target is left empty. Segments: {segments} 


Errors in adding relais segment: Source-content of relais file "{fileName}" is identical with source of translated file, but still original segment not found in the database: {segments}


This issue is similar to 44564484, first a matching source segment was found to the relais segment, the source content equals, but the relais target data could not be saved. Investigate additional debug content!











The passed source language "{language}" is not valid.


The uploaded ZIP package did not contain a "workfiles" folder, which contains the data to be imported. See ZIP import package format.


Pixel-Mapping: Import failed due not found customer specified by customer number in excel - client nr: {lastClientNr}


Segment length calculation: No pixel-width set for several characters.
Default width is used. See affected characters in extra data.


For the listed characters no width was defined, so the configured default value as fallback is used.

The missing characters are listed as unicode charpoints and the real character in parathensis.


The user tried to import a file which can not be imported by the native import converters. See the log details for the available native importable file formats.

Otherwise consider to enable Okapi to convert the uploaded file into a native importable XLF format.


The user tried to import one or more files which can not be imported. Neither native by translate5, nor via a converter plug-in like Okapi. See the log details for the affected files.


The provided XLF file contains no valid XML.
See the task log, the concrete XML error should be logged there too.


DataProvider Zip: zip file could not be opened: "{zip}"




this->_classNameDifftagger must be defined in the child class.


Language Resources


The LanguageResource-Service "{serviceType}" is not configured. Please check this confluence-page for more details: "{url}"


When adding a LanguageResource, translate5 shows all LanguageResource-Services that translate5 can handle, no matter if they are already configured or not. If an unconfigured service is chosen, the user gets the info that more action is needed, including a link to a confluence-page with further details regarding that service.


The previously configured LanguageResource-Service "{service}" is not available anymore.


Referenced language resource not found.


Language Resources; Service;



The queried language resource {service} returns an error.


Language Resources; Resource languages;


The language code received from the remote resource was not found(does not exist) in translate5 languages code collection.


The language resource returned invalid XML, all tags were removed. The user has to add the missing source tags manually on reviewing the pretranslated content.




Missing mandatory collectionId for term creation.


There is no proposal which can be confirmed.


There is no proposal which can be deleted.


The associated collections don't contain terms in the languages of the task.


Could happen when all terms of a language are removed from a TermCollection via term import after associating that term collection to a task.


Could not load TBX into TermTagger: TBX hash is empty.


Loading terminology (TBX generated by translate5) into a termtagger instance has failed!

Look also for a directly following E1133 or E1134 in the log.


Loading terminology (TBX generated by translate5) into a termtagger instance has probably failed. Since the answer can not be decoded this could mean that the request has failed, or it was successful without answering correctly.

Look also for a directly following E1133 or E1134 in the log.


Plugin TermTagger URL config default, import or gui not defined (check config runtimeOptions.termTagger.url)


Plugin TermTagger default server not configured: configuration is empty.


Normally everything should be OK, the considered termtagger is probably just doing its work and can not respond to another request in an appropriate time frame.

Only if this error is logged multiple times further investigations should be done.


The termTagger server as specified in the error message is deactivated automatically. On each periodical cron call (normally all 15 minutes) all termtaggers are checked for availability. If a previously deactivated TermTagger is available again, it is reactivated automatically.

To reactivate the TermTagger servers manually just call the following SQL statement in the Database:

Code Block
DELETE FROM `Zf_memcache` WHERE `id` = 'TermTaggerDownList';


Start the TermTagger(s) if not already done.

If the TermTaggers were started and crashed then, see E1129 how to reactivate the TermTaggers marked as offline in translate5. After reactivation, reimport the task. The task clone functionality can be used to reimport the task.


There was an error on the side of the termtagger, the error message was displayed.

Attaching more log data to that error is not possible, but in the log there should be another error (E1117, E1118, E1121) directly after that error.


The JSON produced by the TermTagger was invalid, see the JSON decode error message.

Attaching more log data to that error is not possible, but in the log there should be another error (E1117, E1118, E1121) directly after that error.



Textlength by pixel failed; most probably data about the pixelWidth is missing: fontFamily: "{fontFamily} fontSize: "{fontSize}".


On of the characters in the segment has no pixel length defined, the default pixel width is used.

This error happens in most cases on the export of a task, where the length of the segments is finally checked. Also it happens on saving a segment.

Segment: Search and replace


Excel Ex-Import




Task can not be exported as Excel-file.




Excel Reimport: upload failed.




Excel Reimport: Formal check failed: task-guid differs in task compared to the excel.




Excel Reimport: Formal check failed: number of segments differ in task compared to the excel.




Excel Reimport: Formal check failed: segment #{segmentNr} is empty in excel while there was content in the the original task.




Excel Reimport: at least one segment needs to be controlled.




That means the task is currently in use by another user / process.

This is logged as info, since this can happen if another reviewer is editing while another reviewer is finishing the task.



The PHP class for the activated plug-in "{plugin}" does not exist.


Plug-In DeepL


DeepL Plug-In: No config given.


Plug-In Groupshare


Multi Purpose Code logging in the context of Groupshare


Plug-In InstantTranslate


InstantTranslate: Response status "{status}" in indicates failure in communication with the API.


Plug-In MatchAnalysis


Multi Purpose Code logging in the context of MatchAnalysis


Check the details and also the logs for more information.
Enable debugging for domain "plugin.matchanalysis" to get more info about the problems of the disabled language resources.


Check the details and also the logs for more information.
Enable debugging for domain "plugin.matchanalysis" to get more info about the problems of the disabled language resources.


Plug-In NecTm


NEC-TM Plug-In: Exception


NEC-TM Plug-In: Error


NEC-TM Plug-In: Synchronize of NEC-TM-Tags with our categories failed


NEC-TM Plug-In: A new NEC-TM-LanguageResource must have at least one category assigned.


NEC-TM Plug-In: The languages for the Nec-TM-LanguageResource differ from the languages of the segment.


NEC-TM Plug-In: Could not save segment to TM

Plug-In Okapi


Okapi Plug-In: Bconf not given or not found: {bconfFile}


Okapi Plug-In: Data dir not writeable: {okapiDataDir}


An error described in message happend on converting the file.

Check the message, since the error could be independent from the given file, for example if some Okapi configuration was wrong, or the Okapi server is not available.

A full log of the happened exception is available in the log (level debug).

Plug-In PangeaMt


PangeaMt Plug-In: No config given.


Openid connect


Error on openid authentication: {message} \n Request params: {request} \n Session: {session} \n Openid params: {openid}




FrontEndMessageBus: Missing configuration - runtimeOptions.plugins.FrontEndMessageBus.messageBusURI must be set in configuration.


Set the missing messageBusURI configuration:
Message Bus URI, change default value according to your needs (as configured in config.php of used FrontEndMessageBus). Unix sockets are also possible, example: unix:///tmp/translate5MessageBus


FrontEndMessageBus: Response status "{status}" in indicates failure in communication with message bus.


Plug-In VisualReview 


Visual Review Plugin: Missing visual review resource. {resources}


Required resource executable does not exist on the current installation. The event message will log the missing config. check the error log for more information.


The Initialization of the specified Worker failed


Plug-In ModelFront 


ModelFront Plug-In: authentication parametars are not defined.


EventCode Design rules / decisions

  • Prefixed with "E" so that a search for the error code through the code is more reliable than just searching for a number
  • No structure in the numbering to prevent discussions is it an error E12XX or E45XX
  • Do not start at 1 and don't use leading zeros.
  • Each usage of an error in the code should get separate code. Even if the error message / reason is the same. Reason is that the help desk might need to do different things in different cases.
    • Information about the error here in the list should not be copied, but errors can point to another errors: "E 4321: See E 1234". Thats work to maintain, but better as confusing the client by giving wrong hints.
    • if it makes sense for the support / help desk to split up an error in different errorcodes because of different reasons, than this should be done in the code so far
  • Never forget the purpose of event codes: make life easier for support / help desk.