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Code Block
titleExample of inserting a new workflow action
INSERT INTO `LEK_workflow_action` (`workflow`,`trigger`,`inStep`,`byRole`,`userState`,`actionClass`,`action`,`parameters`,`position`,`description`)
VALUES ('default', 'doCronDaily', null, null, null, 'editor_Workflow_Actions', 'finishOverduedTasks', null, 0,'');

Code Block
titleExample Content in the LEK_workflow_action table
MariaDB [icorrectT5]> select * from LEK_workflow_action;
| id | workflow | trigger                                          | inStep    | byRole | userState | actionClass                  | action                    | parameters | position | description  |
|  1 | default  | handleAllFinishOfARole                           | lectoring | lector | finished  | editor_Workflow_Actions      | segmentsSetUntouchedState |            |        0 |              |
|  2 | default  | handleAllFinishOfARole                           | lectoring | lector | finished  | editor_Workflow_Actions      | taskSetRealDeliveryDate   |            |        1 |              |
|  3 | default  | handleAllFinishOfARole                           | NULL      | NULL   | finished  | editor_Workflow_Notification | notifyAllFinishOfARole    |            |        2 |              |
|  4 | default  | handleUnfinish                                   | NULL      | lector | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Actions      | segmentsSetInitialState   |            |        0 |              |
|  5 | default  | handleBeforeImport                               | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Actions      | autoAssociateTaskPm       |            |        0 |              |
|  6 | default  | handleImport                                     | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Notification | notifyNewTaskForPm        |            |        0 |              |
|  7 | default  | handleImport                                     | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Actions      | autoAssociateEditorUsers  |            |        1 |              |
|  8 | default  | handleUserAssociationAdded                       | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Notification | notifyNewTaskAssigned     |            |        0 |              |
| 45 | default  | handleDirect::notifyAllUsersAboutTaskAssociation | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Notification | notifyAllAssociatedUsers  |            |        0 |              |
| 51 | default  | doCronDaily                                      | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Actions      | deleteOldEndedTasks       | NULL       |        0 |              |

Meanings of the fields in the action table


FieldDescription / idea behind
idDB auto incremented ID
workflowdefines to which workflow the action belongs. So only the actions for the workflow configured in the task are triggered.
Currently the class inheritance hierarchy is reflected here. So for a Workflow class "foo" extending "default" all actions with both values are considered.
This behavior will change in the future to enable the possibilty to disable extended default actions by child classes.
triggerThe named event trigger to react on. See list of available triggers below.
inStepIn step filter: the action is executed only if the tasks workflow is in the configured step. NULL means no filter.
byRoleBy role filter: the action is executed only if the initiator of the trigger is in the configured role. NULL means no filter.
userStateuserState filter: the action is executed only if the initiator of the trigger has the configured job status. NULL means no filter.
actionClassthe class where the to be called action is contained. Must inherit from "editor_Workflow_Actions_Abstract" class.
actionthe action to be called
parameteroptional additional parameters, which are passed to the executed action. For example Mail notifications can be configured
positionOrder of execution for entries with the same trigger configuration.
descriptionContains a human readable description for the row

External Workflow Trigger
