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Code Block
;;;; ATTENTION: the below variables need to be placed above the areas [FileMapping] and [CollectionMapping]

;import directory of the tbx files

;mergeTerms: Allowed values: true or false. 
;If this is true, terms will be merged as described at 
;Otherwise all terms will be added to the termCollection, if the ID in the TBX does NOT exist already in the DB
;when the ID of the termEntry of the TBX does already exist in the DB, the terms of this termEntry will always be merged

;Deletes all terms in all listed termCollections, that have a modificationupdated date older than the date listed one.
;Since everyconfigured for "deleteTermsModifiedOlderThan". 
;Every term that exists in a TBXtermCollection getshas a newcreation updated date, on TBX-import, even if it is not changed: Simply set this date to yesterday to delete all terms, that are not part of the current importa modification date and an updated dated. 
;The creation date and the modification date are taken from the dates as they appear in the TBX file.
;The updated date is anot dateshown internalin tothe translate5GUI and differentis changed fromevery thetime modifieda dateuser ofchanges the term, that is shownthrough touching
;it in the interface GUI or through an import

;Deletes all terms in all listed termCollections, that have aan modification"updated date" older than the start of the current import.
;To learn, what the "updated date" is, please read above
;possible values: true or false

;Delete all proposals in a listed termCollections, that have a creation date older than this configs value.

;Delete all proposals in a listed termCollections, that have a creation date older than the start of the current import.
;possible values: true or false

;;;; ATTENTION: the above variables need to be placed above the areas [FileMapping] and [CollectionMapping]
;mapping between tbx file and term collection name

;mapping between term collection name and customer number
