Page tree

One of the ideas behind translate5 workflows is, that specific actions in the application are triggered automatically by a well defined list of triggering conditions.

The mapping between actions and triggers is predefined but can be set by the admin of a translate5 installation. Currently there is no GUI for that, so the settings has to be done directly in the database in the LEK_workflow_action table.

Using the LEK_workflow_action table

Example of inserting a new workflow action
INSERT INTO `LEK_workflow_action` (`workflow`,`trigger`,`inStep`,`byRole`,`userState`,`actionClass`,`action`,`parameters`,`position`,`description`)
VALUES ('default', 'doCronDaily', null, null, null, 'editor_Workflow_Actions', 'finishOverduedTasks', null, 0,'');
Example Content in the LEK_workflow_action table
MariaDB [icorrectT5]> select * from LEK_workflow_action;
| id | workflow | trigger                                          | inStep    | byRole | userState | actionClass                  | action                    | parameters | position | description  |
|  1 | default  | handleAllFinishOfARole                           | reviewing | reviewer | finished  | editor_Workflow_Actions      | segmentsSetUntouchedState |            |        0 |              |
|  2 | default  | handleAllFinishOfARole                           | reviewing | reviewer | finished  | editor_Workflow_Actions      | taskSetRealDeliveryDate   |            |        1 |              |
|  3 | default  | handleAllFinishOfARole                           | NULL      | NULL   | finished  | editor_Workflow_Notification | notifyAllFinishOfARole    |            |        2 |              |
|  4 | default  | handleUnfinish                                   | NULL      | reviewer | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Actions      | segmentsSetInitialState   |            |        0 |              |
|  5 | default  | handleBeforeImport                               | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Actions      | autoAssociateTaskPm       |            |        0 |              |
|  6 | default  | handleImport                                     | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Notification | notifyNewTaskForPm        |            |        0 |              |
|  7 | default  | handleImport                                     | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Actions      | autoAssociateEditorUsers  |            |        1 |              |
|  8 | default  | handleUserAssociationAdded                       | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Notification | notifyNewTaskAssigned     |            |        0 |              |
| 45 | default  | handleDirect::notifyAllUsersAboutTaskAssociation | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Notification | notifyAllAssociatedUsers  |            |        0 |              |
| 51 | default  | doCronDaily                                      | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Actions      | deleteOldEndedTasks       | NULL       |        0 |              |

Meanings of the fields in the action table

An action is either just a function (called action) which does something or a notification which sends a notification (by default an email) to some users.

For examples of usage see the classe: editor_Workflow_Notification and editor_Workflow_Actions.

FieldDescription / idea behind
idDB auto incremented ID
workflowdefines to which workflow the action belongs. So only the actions for the workflow configured in the task are triggered.
Currently the class inheritance hierarchy is reflected here. So for a Workflow class "foo" extending "default" all actions with both values are considered.
This behavior will change in the future to enable the possibilty to disable extended default actions by child classes.
triggerThe named event trigger to react on. See list of available triggers below.
inStepIn step filter: the action is executed only if the tasks workflow is in the configured step. NULL means no filter.
byRoleBy role filter: the action is executed only if the initiator of the trigger is in the configured role. NULL means no filter.
userStateuserState filter: the action is executed only if the initiator of the trigger has the configured job status. NULL means no filter.
actionClassthe class where the to be called action is contained. Must inherit from "editor_Workflow_Actions_Abstract" class.
actionthe action to be called

optional additional parameters, which are passed to the executed action. For example Mail notifications can be configured.

See details below!

positionOrder of execution for entries with the same trigger configuration.
descriptionContains a human readable description for the row

External Workflow Trigger

The TaskController provides a callable action to trigger workflow events via URL - if configured in the workflow action table.

The value for the field trigger must contain the prefix: "handleDirect::" the rest of the string is the name of the trigger passed as POST parameter.

See also Task REST Api and the examples.


By default the notifyAllAssociatedUsers action is configured:

DirectTrigger configuration
| 45 | default  | handleDirect::notifyAllUsersAboutTaskAssociation | NULL      | NULL   | NULL      | editor_Workflow_Notification | notifyAllAssociatedUsers  |            |        0 |

To trigger that action the following POST request must be done. This can be either done via frontend or via external API call. The only precondition is, that the calling user is a PM user.

Calling the workflow trigger via HTTP

where the ID is the tasks DB id.
Parameter "trigger"the trigger to be triggered, in the example above "notifyAllUsersAboutTaskAssociation"

Using callbacks with translate5 workflow actions

With the triggerCallbackAction URL configuration it is possible to configure translate5 to call an outside URL (callback) on a lot of different events in translate5.

In the example (Remote callback when all users finish their  jobs) below it is shown how workflow trigger with remote callback URL can be configured after all users did finish there jobs in a task. The parameters field must be json string and all invalid content there will be ignored. 

Analogous to this callbacks can also be used for other workflow events and actions.

Remote callback configuration
# id, workflow, trigger, inStep, byRole, userState, actionClass, action, parameters, position, description
'37', 'default', 'handleAllFinishOfARole', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'editor_Workflow_Actions', 'triggerCallbackAction', '{"url":"","params":{"username":"myusername","password":"mypass"	}}', '0', 'Send a request to the configured url parameter with the task and task user assoc data. If "params" field is provided in the parameters field, this will be applied to in the request json.'

Example for parameters configuration:

Parameters field example

url → url which will be called by the trigger

params → additional key-value parameters which will be submitted as row post data. This can be used for authentication for example.

Alongside with the custom "params" also the task data and the task-user association will be present in the submitted post data, once the configured callback is triggered.

task →translate5 task info

tua → all associated users to the provided task

Resulting callback post request content example
    "username": "myusername",
    "password": "mypass",
    "task": {
        "id": 1919,
        "entityVersion": "124",
        "modified": "2022-06-08 11:35:10",
        "taskGuid": "{876c2173-58aa-4220-865b-8454a5470fd6}",
        "taskNr": "",
        "foreignId": "",
        "taskName": "Task-de-en.html - de \/ en",
        "foreignName": "",
        "sourceLang": "4",
        "targetLang": "5",
        "relaisLang": "0",
        "locked": null,
        "lockingUser": null,
        "state": "open",
        "workflow": "default",
        "workflowStep": "14",
        "workflowStepName": "reviewing",
        "pmGuid": "{e6828cdf-2ee0-4a25-af0a-92e6f060e9eb}",
        "pmName": "Manager, Project (manager)",
        "wordCount": "11",
        "userCount": "1",
        "orderdate": "2022-06-07 00:00:00",
        "enddate": null,
        "referenceFiles": "0",
        "terminologie": "0",
        "enableSourceEditing": "0",
        "edit100PercentMatch": "0",
        "lockLocked": "1",
        "qmSubsegmentFlags": "{\"qmSubsegmentFlags\":[{\"text\":\"Accuracy\",\"id\":1,\"children\":[{\"text\":\"Mistranslation\",\"id\":2,\"children\":[{\"text\":\"Terminology\",\"id\":3}]},{\"text\":\"Omission\",\"id\":4},{\"text\":\"Addition\",\"id\":5},{\"text\":\"Untranslated\",\"id\":6}]},{\"text\":\"Fluency\",\"id\":7,\"children\":[{\"text\":\"Register\",\"id\":8},{\"text\":\"Style\",\"id\":9},{\"text\":\"Inconsistency\",\"id\":10},{\"text\":\"Spelling\",\"id\":11},{\"text\":\"Typography\",\"id\":12},{\"text\":\"Grammar\",\"id\":13},{\"text\":\"Locale violation\",\"id\":14},{\"text\":\"Unintelligible\",\"id\":15}]},{\"text\":\"Verity\",\"id\":16,\"children\":[{\"text\":\"Completeness\",\"id\":17},{\"text\":\"Legal requirements\",\"id\":18},{\"text\":\"Locale applicability\",\"id\":19}]}],\"severities\":{\"critical\":\"Critical\",\"major\":\"Major\",\"minor\":\"Minor\"}}",
        "emptyTargets": "0",
        "importAppVersion": "development",
        "customerId": "1",
        "usageMode": "simultaneous",
        "segmentCount": "3",
        "segmentFinishCount": "3",
        "taskType": "projectTask",
        "projectId": "1918",
        "diffExportUsable": "0",
        "description": "",
        "created": "2022-06-07 14:23:02"
    "tua": {
        "id": "1492",
        "taskGuid": "{876c2173-58aa-4220-865b-8454a5470fd6}",
        "userGuid": "{e6828cdf-2ee0-4a25-af0a-92e6f060e9eb}",
        "state": "finished",
        "role": "reviewer",
        "workflowStepName": "reviewing",
        "workflow": "default",
        "segmentrange": "",
        "usedState": null,
        "isPmOverride": "0",
        "deadlineDate": "2022-06-10 19:55:12",
        "assignmentDate": "2022-06-07 14:24:07",
        "finishedDate": "2022-06-07 17:12:29",
        "trackchangesShow": "1",
        "trackchangesShowAll": "1",
        "trackchangesAcceptReject": "1"

Webhooks in translate5 - flexibly overwriting callbacks

Base information you need to know, when configuring webhooks in translate5 UI is the above paragraph "Using callbacks with translate5 workflow actions".

With the system config runtimeOptions.task.workflow.webhooks it is possible to overwrite such a callback URL for a certain workflow event via UI. And to overwrite/set this on client level in the client-specific configuration in the UI.

Only draw-back: In the UI it is currently only possible to configure callbacks for the action handlers as they are configured in the workflow action configuration. If the same action handler (for example handleAllFinishOfARole) is defined for two different cases (for example, when workflow step review is finished and when workflow step Review2 is finished), the callback defined (and possibly overwritten by client) will be called for both cases. So far it is not possible to set separate callback URLs for such different cases in the UI-based configuration. This is only possible directly in the workflow_action table. Yet there it is not possible to overwrite it on client level.  This means, overwriting on client level is only meaningful considering those restrictions.

The config option name for the UI system config (client overwritable) is runtimeOptions.task.workflow.webhooks

The UI component looks like this:

Proper entry with a specific trigger for the needed callback must be configured / exist in workflow_action table before!

Examples of the predefined triggers:


In Step

By Role

User State

Action Class















After defining triggerCallbackAction for a specific trigger in the workflow_action table, the triggered URL can be overwritten in the config.

Workflow Trigger in the application

  • TODO List all in the core available workflow trigger
  • TODO Explain that more Actions can be added in the core code

Workflow Actions and Notifications

  • TODO List all in the core available workflow actions and notifications and explain them (from editor_Workflow_Actions)
  • TODO Explain that more Actions can be added by custom Plugins or in the core code

Workflow Mail parameters

Each notification which sends an e-mail can be configured with CC and BCC receivers. They have to be added into the parameters field as JSON.

The JSON may look like:

  "cc": {
    "*": ["visiting"],
    "reviewing": ["translation", "reviewing"]
  "bcc": {
    "byUserLogin": ["testlector", "testapiuser"]

The structure under CC and BCC is basically equal, it is always a string key, pointing to an array.

Basically the key is either the target workflow step name, * for matching all workflow step names, or the special keys "byUserLogin" to provide directly some user logins as additional mail receivers.

The array is containing either the steps which should receive the e-mail, or in the case of byUserLogin just a user login of single users.

Default activated Actions

  • TODO To be done

Daily and periodical called (Cronjob) Actions

How to set up cron jobs for translate5 please look in the installation manual of translate5.

In order to use the periodically triggered actions (cronjobs) via URL the following configuration has to be done:

  • Setup a cronjob or scheduled task which calls the URL https://YOURINSTALLATION/editor/cron/daily/ (under linux for example with wget)
  • The IP Adress of the caller must configured in the Zf_configuration table for security reasons

Alternatively the Cron Jobs can be triggered via CLI command: "t5 cron" triggers the periodical entries, "t5 cron --daily" triggers the daily actions.

After setting up the cron job, the workflow trigger "doCronDaily" is fired on each call of the above URL / CLI command call.

Useful actions for this trigger are: 

triggeractionClassactionparameters description
doCronDailyeditor_Workflow_ActionsfinishOverduedTaskUserAssoc/Checks the deadine dates of a task assoc, if it is overdued, it'll be finished for all lectors, triggers normal workflow handlers if needed.


{"limit": 5, "workflowSteps": ["no workflow", "workflowEnded"]}

Delete all tasks where the task status is 'end', and the last modified date for this task is older than x days (where x is Zf_configuration property taskLifetimeDays)

Only X tasks are deleted at once. X defaults to 5 and can be set as parameter.

Additionally "workflowSteps" can be provided. In this case except from default end status of a task also tasks in one of workflow steps will be handled.  

doCronPeriodicaleditor_Workflow_ActionsdeleteOldEndedTasksSee Automatic task backup and deletion with workflow action deleteOldEndedTasks
doCronDailyeditor_Workflow_NotificationnotifyOverdueDeadline{"receiverUser":"aleksandar10","daysOffset": 2,"template":"notifyOverdueTasks_MasterPM"}

Notify the users of a task when the delivery date is over the defined days in the parameters config daysOffset. Available config fields:

receiverUser: the user login to which all of the reminders will be send. If not configured, email reminder to the actual task-associated user

daysOffset: how many days after the deadline date a reminder email will be send

template: template used for the reminder email



notifyDeadlineApproaching{"receiverUser":"aleksandar10","daysOffset": 2,"template":"notifyOverdueTasks_MasterPM"}

Notify the the associated users when the deadlineDate is approaching.

receiverUser: the user login to which all of the reminders will be send. If not configured,  email reminder to the actual task-associated user

daysOffset: how many days before the deadline date a reminder email will be send

template: template used for the reminder email

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